Chairman Mr Leung Chun-Ying

Our major work is to conceive, spearhead and formulate projects by mobilizing and leveraging resources optimally at home and abroad, collaborating with other institutions or individuals to deliver the best result.
Topping our work agenda in the first phase is strengthening People-to-People Bond, one of the five Connect Schemes under the Belt and Road. This includes enhancing the understanding of the Belt and Road international cooperation initiative among Hong Kong youth, promoting local experience, lending humanity aids to developing countries, promoting art and cultural exchange between China and foreign countries as well as publicizing overseas the essence of cooperation and shared benefits of Belt and Road.
Leverage the strengths of Hong Kong as a vital node to foster Chinese-foreign cooperation.
While the Belt and Road initiative paves more opportunities for Chinese enterprises to invest abroad, playing their role as good corporate citizens in destination countries is indispensable to mutually benefit local people and share the fruits of the initiative.
The Centre is a non-government and a non-profit making organization registered in the Hong Kong SAR in accordance with local law. All our funding comes from donation.