17 November 2017 – Hong Kong
Hong Kong Youth New Runway Programme is the Centre’s inaugural youth development project to strengthen People-to-People Bond under the Belt and Road initiative. Conceptualized, spearheaded and formulated by the Centre, the programme is sponsored by Dr Raymond Lee Charitable Foundation and supported by schools which are responsible for tour organization and student selection.
Representatives from the two institutions attended the ceremony where C Y Leung, Chairman of the Centre and Raymond Lee, Chairman of the Charitable Foundation signed the Memorandum of Cooperation. Playing witness were directors of respective institutions, including Sophia Kao, former Member of the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong SAR Government; Raymond Tang, Chairman of Hong Kong United Foundation Limited; Lau Ping-cheung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Coalition of Professional Services and Cheung Chi-kong, Executive Director of One Country Two Systems Research Institute. With a donation of HK$10 million pledged by Dr Raymond Lee Charitable Foundation to fully sponsor students partaking in the Hong Kong Youth New Runway Programme, near 1,000 students are expected to be benefited.